Friends of the Fleetwood Area Public Library

friends of the fleetwood library


The FRIENDS of FAPL is a non-profit organization separate from the Fleetwood Area Public Library. Their mission is to support the needs of the library by providing additional resources and funding for technology, library materials, program expenses, and special services. Past support has included but not limited to:

  • Museum Passes to Reading Museum, Berks Historical Center, and Boyertown Car Museum
  • iPads and laptops
  • Summer Learning Program prizes
  • Educational Kits for library collection
  • Programs like yoga, art camp, speakers, and music classes

Annual membership is $5.00 and can be paid by cash, check, or credit/debit (A convenience fee of $0.50 will be applied for credit/debit)


To pay by cash or check you can print the membership form and bring it into the library with your payment:

FRIENDS MEMBERSHIP FORM (For cash and check payments)



The Friends of the FAPL meet on the last Tuesday of each month at 1pm in Room 111.

For more information and how to access monthly meetings via Zoom email:



Be sure to check out our ongoing Book Sale bookcase in the hallway down from the library (right outside Room 111)

book sale area