Our Next Chapter

Help us write our next chapter! "H" on a decorative background.  "Our Next Chapter" on a banner underneath.

In 1903, the Hamburg community had a vision. They wanted to create one of the first libraries in Berks County, a place where knowledge would be accessible to everyone. With determination, they approached Andrew Carnegie with a proposal: he would finance the library's construction, and the town would commit to its ongoing support. The result? Our historic library opened its doors on November 5, 1904, welcoming over 500 visitors.

Over the last century, our library has remained a cornerstone of our community—a center of knowledge, learning, and cultural enrichment. However, as our town evolves, so do the demands placed upon our library.

Our proposed expansion isn't merely about adding more space. It's about creating a warm, welcoming environment with upgraded facilities, easier access for everyone, and modern amenities. And rest assured, we're committed to preserving the rich history and character that make our library so special.

Our library isn't just a building—it's the heartbeat of our community. It's where kids find their love for reading, where families come together for stories, and where neighbors connect over shared interests. But just as in 1903, we can't do it alone. We need your help to turn this vision into reality. Whether you can give financially, spread the word, or lend a hand, your involvement is what will make the difference.

So, let's write the next chapter in our library's story together.  Please visit our project website: hamburgsnextchapter.org to learn more.