Weekly Themes
Week of June 17: Adventure Begins
Week of June 24: Persevering Pirates
Week of July 1: Critical Thinking Castaways
Week of July 8: Communicating Cowboys
Week of July 15: Responsible Royals
Week of July 22: Creative Creatures
Week of July 29: Adaptable Animals

Tigers in the P.A.R.K.- FREE
Geared to ages 3-10
Mondays 10am at the Locust St. Playground
-Storytime with books and activities
Wednesdays 10am at the Fleetwood Park
-Weekly presenters and interactive stories
Fridays 10am Community Field Trips

Tiger Camps- FREE
For kids entering 3rd-6th grade
Tuesdays 6pm- STEM camp, 4 weeks
Thursdays 6pm- Art camp, 4 weeks
Saturdays 10am- Theatre camp, 7 weeks
Show on the last day!
Enter to win prizes with Reading Challenge Tickets.
More information will be released on May 1!