
    8:00 am - 9:00 am Thursday, 6/27/2024
    Knit, crochet, weave, or macramé with us every Thursday at 2pm at Main Library...
    2:00 pm - 3:30 pm Wednesday, 7/10/2024
    Participants will learn mouse and keyboarding basics, beginner internet searching, and how to print from the internet.This course is a precursor to all other adult computer classes taught at the Reading Public Library. No certification is given. Space is limited. Registration required – Call 610.655.6355 to register...
    2:00 pm - 3:30 pm Wednesday, 7/24/2024
    Create your own Gmail account and learn the basics on how to use it, as well as other Google tools such as Google Docs and Google Sheets...
    2:00 pm - 3:30 pm Wednesday, 8/07/2024
    Learn how to create, edit, and save documents in Microsoft Word...
    2:00 pm - 3:30 pm Wednesday, 8/21/2024
    Learn how to build, edit, print, and save a resume along with best tips when applying for a job. Participants will need a valid email address and basic computer skills (typing and mouse usage). Seating is limited. Registration required...
    7:00 pm - 8:00 pm Wednesday, 9/18/2024
    This month's film discussion is on "Brimstone" (2016). Foundation Building 113 South Fourth Street, Reading...
    10:00 am - 12:00 pm Saturday, 9/28/2024
    The League of Women Voters will be visiting the library offering several activities and services! Write a Get Out the Vote postcard, register to vote, and learn about the work that the League of Women Voters does and about how you can get involved!...
    7:00 pm - 8:00 pm Wednesday, 10/16/2024
    This month's book is The Dutch House by Ann Patchett. Foundation Building 113 South Fourth Street, Reading...
    7:00 pm - 8:00 pm Wednesday, 11/13/2024
    This month's film discussion is on "Parallel Mothers" (2021). Foundation Building 113 South Fourth Street, Reading...