In the Steps of a Peacekeeper (Conrad Weiser 1696-1760) with Rich Pawling

Event Date
10:00 am - 11:00 am Saturday, 5/11/2024
Add to Calendar 2024-05-11 14:00:00 2024-05-11 15:00:00 Title Description Location Berks County Public Libraries America/New_York public
Program title, date, time and registration info from event page with an image of rich pawling dressed as Conrad Weiser

Rich Pawling from 'History Alive!' will be at the library for a living history program at 10 am on Saturday, May 11th! Learn about the local historical figure Conrad Weiser from this engaging entertainer. Please register by calling: 610-678-4311.

"In the Steps of a Peacekeeper (Conrad Weiser 1696-1760)"

To know Conrad Weiser is to know his adopted Mohawk name (tarachiawagon: the man who held up the sky). Born in Astat, Wurtenberg, November 2, 1696, this unsung Pennsylvania hero epitomizes life on the American frontier from 1710 until his death in 1760. During that time – he was a statesman, diplomat, traveler, judge, linquist, Lieutenant Colonel, farmer and official Pennsylvania peacekeeper.

A view of Rich Pawling from the shoulders up dressed as Conrad Weiser.
