Upcoming OverDrive Changes

An important change is coming to your library’s eBook platform, OverDrive. Previously, Berks County Public Library cardholders were able to download two different mobile apps to borrow digital materials from the library: OverDrive and Libby. Both apps were made available by OverDrive with Libby offering streamlined functions and additional features unavailable in the OverDrive app.

Earlier this year, the OverDrive app was removed from various app stores including Apple, Google Play, and Microsoft in preparation for the app’s eventual retirement. The legacy OverDrive app is expected to be fully discontinued in early 2023.

What does this mean? Although the OverDrive app will soon wind down for current users, the same great digital content will still be available to borrow through Libby. We recommend making the switch to Libby before the OverDrive app is removed.


OverDrive app


Libby app


Getting Started with Libby:

  • Install the Libby app from your device's app store. Open the app and follow the prompts to find Reading District Libraries. All Berks County Public Libraries locations must select Reading Public Library from the list no matter which library you use.
  • Sign in with a valid library card and enter your PIN (default is the last four digits of your phone number connected with your library card registration) Forgot your PIN? Have it emailed to you from your Berks County Public Libraries account.
  • Search the online catalog and borrow a title from your library’s collection. Place holds and you’ll be contacted when they are available.
  • Borrowed titles appear on your Shelf and download to the app automatically so you can read them when you're offline. Titles are automatically returned for you at the end of your borrowing period. Never worry about late fees!


Benefits to Libby:

Libby supports multiple library cards. Whether you share a device with someone else or have more than one library card, you can link multiple cards to the same account without needing to repeatedly log in/log out for each card.

Activate push notifications to alert you when your hold is ready to borrow, when your loan expires, and other important alerts, customized to your preference.

Libby also offers easy-to-use accessibility features that allow you to customize your reading experience including alternate lighting options, adjustable playback speed, and built-in text size setting and scales among others.