
    1:00 pm - 3:00 pm Saturday, 6/08/2024
    NEW PROGRAM ALERT! Introducing our newest book club geared toward the introvert in all of us! Bring your current read and join us for a stress-free, relaxing afternoon of reading! Refreshments provided; registration (and socializing!) NOT required...
    2:00 pm - 6:00 pm Sunday, 6/09/2024
    All teens ages 12-17 are welcome to join us for an afternoon of discussion, crafting, and viewing all things anime and manga. We discuss culture and cosplay, manga, anime, and related movies and TV series. Themed snacks, stickers, and crafts are often a part of our meetings. Come join us and have some fun!...
    5:30 pm - 6:30 pm Thursday, 6/27/2024
    Let your creativity shine! Children of all ages are welcome to join us for an afternoon of LEGO free play. Each month we have a new theme for the builds. Your creations will be displayed for the month until the next meeting!...
    1:00 pm - 3:00 pm Saturday, 7/13/2024
    NEW PROGRAM ALERT! Introducing our newest book club geared toward the introvert in all of us! Bring your current read and join us for a stress-free, relaxing afternoon of reading! Refreshments provided; registration (and socializing!) NOT required...